Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 1 (from 5 Jan, 2015)

Today was the big day!  The End of an era and the start of something awesome.  Today was the first day at The Iron Yard and it was great.  First off, I learned quickly that Charleston traffic can get pretty hectic!  There was an accident on the main bridge (Ravenel) from where I’m staying over to The Iron Yard and I was late to my first day of class!  Luckily, there were quite a few others who were late as well so class started just a few minutes late.  After a quick around the room for introductions, it was right into programming in ruby.  For the class we will be using Sublime Text 2 as our text editor and iTerm as our terminal.  We began class with some of the fundamentals of macs and getting around in the terminal.  After that was complete we walked through 5 different function types: integers (numbers without decimal places), float (decimal places), strings (text), trueClass (boolean), and falseClass (boolean).  We used a few different methods against each of the different types.  For HW we were assigned to use 5 new methods against each of the different types.  Instead of going for some of the easier ones, I spent some time and used some of the more obscure methods like: num1.gcdlcm(num2) which gives the greatest common denominator and lowest common multiple for num1 and num2.  I also made some really dorky if statements like:
#true ^ obj -> !obj (or)
puts “What’s your pets name?”
pet = gets.chomp
if pet == “Maddie” || pet == “Kitter”
puts “That’s my pets name too!”
puts “That’s not my pets name!”
#if input is one of my pets names then returns “That’s my pets name too!”. If not, returns “That’s not my pets name!”
All in all, the first day of class was a very good experience.  I know things will start ramping up very fast but I am looking forward to the ride.  Can’t wait to see what day 2 holds…I think we will be talking about git and github along with some more ruby!

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