Sunday, January 25, 2015

3 Weeks Down

Wow!  What a whirlwind the past three weeks have been.  I promised myself I would start blogging a few times a week and...well 3 weeks are gone and I posted once (late)!  For those who don't know, since January 5th, I've been attending a programming bootcamp learning backend website development (Ruby on Rails) at The Iron Yard (TIY) in Charleston, SC.  I always wanted to get into programming and TIY is a three month full throttle bootcamp which takes you from little to no experience to a (starting) junior developer.

During the first week of the program we learned Ruby.  Ruby is an object oriented programming language which has a very powerful web framework called Ruby on Rails (think lots of data moving around in the background like a bank or tracking system).  In that first week, we learned methods, arrays, hashes and classes.  Our end of week project was to create a little horse race using classes in Ruby.  This project took quite a bit of time and I ended up dreaming about horses for a few nights.  I admittedly still don't fully understand classes and how to utilize them but each day I learn and understand more.

During the second week of class we jumped into web design - HTML and CSS.  On Tuesday, we had a guest speaker who came in and replicated the "Chrome Momentum" home page.  It was very interesting to see how he worked through the design of the page.  Our homework that night was replicating our individual Github repo page.  The page looks simple at first glance, but WOW!  It took forever and I was nowhere near finished at midnight that night!  The last 2 nights we worked on web servers in Sinatra.

During the third week of class we jumped into Ruby on Rails (most people just call it Rails).  By the end of the week we had practiced working through CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) quite a few times.  The end of week project was to create a website which allows for the tracking of hospitals/clinics, patients, and medication.  Each hospital has patients who each have their own medications.  There are three separate databases created inside our project and they have the appropriate relationships allowing a set of medications for one patient who is part of one clinic.  The page is very crude at the moment but (I think) we will continue to build upon this project over the next week or so.

Well that's a quick recap of my first 3 weeks at TIY.  So far, one of the best experiences I have been a part of.  I used to dread going into work each day at my previous job.  Now, I can't wait for the next class day to come to learn something completely new.

Oh and I can't sign off without mentioning how AWESOME Charleston, SC is and our experiences!  If you've never been to Charleston, SC before, book a ticket right now!  The scenery is surreal and the food is out of this world!  Stacey (my wife) and I currently live downtown in an area where we are considered SOBs (South of Broad) [what the heck, we only live once].  We are just a few blocks from the The Battery and have made it a point to walk the dog there each evening.  On the weekends we have done quite a bit of exploring and a little too much eating!  Hominy Grill has some fantastic food options and has been on the food network.  I don't think you can find a bad place to eat in this town...the restaurant would NEVER survive.  Today, we got to go on a free mule driven carriage ride through the area we live in.  The history in this town is amazing.  There's so much here and Stacey and I couldn't be happier with the decision to move here!

Well, here's to hoping that I will make another post before the end of the week!

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